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NextjsTailwindcssTypeScriptNodejsGraphqlDockerPostgresPrisma ORMAWSRedisSupabaseReact-query

A Social Media platform that allows users to connect with each other.

I developed a social media platform that provides users with a variety of interactive features, including creating posts with media, following other users, and engaging in real-time chatting. Users can express themselves through retweets, comments, and likes, similar to popular social media networks. To enhance user engagement, I integrated a recommendation system that suggests users to follow based on their interests and activity, fostering a more connected community. The platform boasts an intuitive interface and a simple, easy-to-use UI, ensuring a seamless experience for users of all backgrounds.

The technology stack for this project includes Next.js, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Node.js, GraphQL, and Docker, which collectively contribute to a robust and scalable backend. I utilized PostgreSQL and Prisma ORM for efficient data management, while AWS and Redis enhance performance and reliability. Additionally, React Query is employed for efficient data fetching and synchronization, improving the overall user experience.

This platform not only focuses on providing essential social media functionalities but also prioritizes scalability and performance, making it a versatile solution for users seeking a dynamic and engaging online environment.

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